Kiwanis Club Remodels Scout Hut
The Scout Hut for Boy Scout Troop # 933 has received a brand new roof, courtesy of the Kiwanis Club of Vidalia.
The Kiwanis Club replaced the roof as its Centennial Project, which is a project to commemorate the centennial celebration of the club’s charter, and club members hope that this renovation will be the beginning of muchneeded remodeling to the building. Boy Scout Troop #933 has been sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Vidalia since 1919, and has been housed in the Scout Hut at the Ed Smith Complex of the Vidalia Recreation Department for 30 years. Throughout those years, no major work has been done to the shelter.
Local contractor AAA Roofing, Inc. installed the new roof for $11,000, which was paid for with the Kiwanis Club of Vidalia Project Fund.
According to Centennial Project Chair Tony Brooks, the roof is the most extensive renovation that the Club plans to complete in the coming years. Some other improvements to the Scout Hut that are needed includes replacing the structure’s HVAC unit, repainting the building, as well as the replacement of some problematic boards. “We thought the timing was perfect for the Scout Hut roof to be our Centennial Project,” Brooks explained. “We plan to have a community- wide fundraising effort soon so that everyone will have an opportunity to be a part of this continued update of the Hut.”