Wheeler County Students Explore World Literature

Courtesy of Wheeler County Schools
In Miss Clemons’ 10th Grade World Literature class at Wheeler County High School, students have been exploring Latin American Literature by reading some important works, like “The Night Face Up” by Julio Cortazar. While reading this story they are learning how to create timelines within their writing to create illusions and hallucinations, as well as how parallel narratives are created and how to use their 5 senses to help keep a story in that structure. The best way to ensure mastery is to have students complete their own creative parallel narrative, and Miss Clemons says they really enjoyed being about to use their imagination to create something of this magnitude.
Meanwhile in Miss Clemons’ 11th grade American Literature class, students are learning about oral traditions by diving deep into Native American Literature and Culture. They have learned that there are pros and cons to oral traditions by playing a game of telephone. Students then started reading a creation story from the Iroquois Indians, named “The World on the Turtle’s Back.” Students created projects depicting their knowledge on how nature and animals play an important role in Native American creation stories and explored the topic of gray areas in morality. Miss Clemons says she knows students now have an appreciation for modern technology and how they do not have to retell stories over and over again for future generations.
Jekayla Mills shows her individual project.