Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“The recent global shut down of major corporations and the airlines demonstrates the stupidity of Corporate America. These big corps that rule our lives aren’t smart enough to have a contingency or back up plan, they are dependent on one technology company and its updates.”
“You politicians say you want to promote growth in rural areas? Bring back rural buses within and between small towns in rural areas, and stop funding only metro transit systems. We can’t all afford cars or gas these days to get to work.”
“Defund NPR and GPB public broadcasting for TV and radio since it presents only liberal programs, providing more division in this country? Stop forcing hardworking citizens to pay to broadcast ideas to which they are opposed. That is un-American!”
“Politicians compete for money from rich DONORS. When politicians get into office, they must vote for or against what the big DONORS want – and not what the American citizens who elected them want or need – or they won’t get the DONOR money for their next election. When did we let elections become about CAMPAIGN FUNDS and not about POLICIES for improving the country?”
“It is not divisive to have an AP African American studies course, as long as there is also an AP studies course for Native Americans, Asian Americans, Jewish Americans, Latin Americans, Catholic Americans, Indian Americans, etc. Otherwise, it is identity politics designed to keep Americans very divided and fighting each other.”
“I want all my kinfolks in Vidalia to get out and vote for Kamala Harrison. Thank
“When I grow up, I want to work for a sanitation department or company that allows their employees to get involved in politics and take off any time they want to during the day and still get paid.”
“The Franklinia production ‘ Finding Nemo, Jr.’ was very well done this weekend. Great for kids and adults.”