Pop-Pop’s Photos Expanding; Will Offer Service Scholarship

Carroll Williams does a lot for this community from being a Trustee at Paul Anderson Youth Home, the President of Harry Moses Construction, helping with many charity events, to being ever present with his camera at Vidalia sporting events.
The later of those may be what he has been best known for over the past few years with his Facebook page, Pop-Pop's Photos. Well, he has now started a new page, and yes, it is something that has begun with the goal of helping his community.
Williams has started a page on SmugMug with the intent to get original copies of photos out to families without his watermark. To access his page go to carrollwilliams. smugmug.com.
Williams said, “The intent of this page is to offer digital downloads for anyone that wants original photos, that do not have a watermark. They will be sold for $5 each. And my wish is to offer a scholarship with the profits from this page at the end of the school year.”
There isn't a name yet for the scholarship that he will offer, but it will be a service based scholarship, and he is currently coming up with the criteria for it. He plans for it to go to someone that he has photographed that season. More information will be coming as this project is in its infancy.
Currently Williams has posted photos on the new site from the Vidalia Heritage Academy State Championship and a few of the Vidalia Recreation Department's Allstar games. He said that he will start posting photos of current games and events on that site going forward, and if there are some that you are looking for that he has not posted, to reach out and he may be able to post those to the site as well.