Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed.
Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“If black lives really mattered, they would be tearing down crack houses, not statues.”
“Well, Vidalia had to pave Durden Street again. I don’t know why … the first time was great, it was nice and level, smooth and they did it quickly. The second time around they left a pot hole the size of a Volkswagen and black streaks of tar all over the adjoining streets … that’s Vidalia.”
“If you like celebrating your independence on July 4, vote democrat in November. Stop the republican Project 2025 which would restore the monarchy and install a king. This is not a joke.”
“ There is no government freebies given to illegals. We the people pay out of our pockets. Our taxpayers pay every cent that is doled out so freely. The government pays nothing. The democrats and Joe Biden give these illegals free medicare, education. There will soon be nothing left for we the people.”
“Toombs County recently mailed its annual property assessment notices for 2024. Homeowners are advised to double check to make sure that their homestead exemption is correct if they are eligible. The amount of property taxes to be paid can be considerably reduced, especially if you live inside the city of Vidalia.”
“Kudos to Alexa Britton, the CBB Board, the mayor and the members of city council for the great Independence Day celebration we had at the Ronnie Dixon City Park. The band was awesome and the fireworks were dazzling. Also thanks to the police and fire department for keeping us safe. I believe a great time was had by everyone who attended.”
“The other day when Biden and Trump had their debate, I think Biden was on harsh drugs like he was whacky. Biden has been the sorriest president we ever had. He’s given all these illegals free groceries, free homes, free rides, and anything else. The best thing to happen is to give him a free ride back to where he came from.”
“Is it supposed to be a good thing that this country executes its innocent babies but gives taxpayer funded food, clothing, shelter, education and then freedom to murderers, terrorists, kidnappers, rapists, child abusers, sex traffickers and other evil adults? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?”