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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.

Quotes for our Times:

Rachel Alexander, conservative commentator and editor of the Intellectual Conservative, former Assistant Attorney General for the State of Arizona. Online Manipulation by Big Tech Ramping up for the 2024 Election.

Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg, infamous for pouring $419 million of Zuck-Bucks into the 2020 election in heavily Democratic areas, is now focusing the platform on getting out the Democratic message before the 2024 election. . .Similarly, it has become almost impossible to find conservative information through a Google search, as if Google has suppressed it completely from sight. It is very Orwellian, scrubbing conservative viewpoints from the internet. . .

After the jury verdict against Donald Trump was handed down in the porn star Stormy Daniels’ case, the internet blew up with searches for how to donate to Trump. However, Google buried the results down after MSM articles by Reuters, CNBC, The Hill, The New York Times, CBS News, Axios and more. The Trump campaign had to buy an ad in order to show up above those search results. . .'The days of conservatives sitting back and doing nothing while a corrupt censorship-industrial complex actively bulldozes the First Amendment are over,' Federalist Editor-in-Chief Mollie Hemingway said in a written statement. Mark Lewis, a native Texan. He is an author with a Master's degree in history and has taught history and English in America, South Korea, and China. Where Will the Dust Finally Settle?

However, there will surely be many Americans who will finally say, “Enough is enough!” This group doesn’t think Trump walks on water, but they don’t regard him as Adolf Hitler, either. They will finally have perceived that the Democratic Party has done nothing in the last eight years but persecute Donald Trump. . . And this “enough is enough” crowd of Americans, which if polls are correct, has already been growing the past several months, might end up saying, “Well, Trump is a horse’s backside, but nobody deserves this. The Democrats have gone way too far. Besides, Biden has been a terrible President. My pocketbook says so.”

How many of these Americans exist? November 5 will provide the answer to that question.

Of course, there will have to be enough of them to overcome Democratic Party cheating and Republican Party incompetence. That is a grave concern. But we can only hope that the hatred of the Democratic Party towards Donald Trump has become so transparent and visible—and repulsive to enough decent Americans— that, even though they may not like Trump, they will vote for him because they are now convinced that Biden is a far worse choice.

“Enough is enough!”

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