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Kiwanis Names Spring BUG Celebration Students

Each semester, the Kiwanis Club of Vidalia provides selected students from Sally D. Meadows Elementary School with lunch from Chic-fil-A, a visit with the famous Chic-fil-A Cow, and extra time on the playground as a part of the Club’s Bringing Up Grades (BUG) Celebration. This year, rain hindered the Celebration from happening before the school year ended, but the Club is still honoring those students.

Each semester, teachers select one student from their classes that have shown exemplary behavior or have improved their grades throughout the semester to take part in the fun. The celebration was slated for Friday, May 10, but was cancelled after the school closed for the day because of severe weather. With all of the busyness that comes from the end of the school year, the Celebration could not be rescheduled before school was dismissed for the summer holidays.

The students in 2nd through 4th Grades who were selected for the reward will be able to partake in the event in August, at the beginning of the 2024/2025 school year. Meanwhile, the 5th grade students selected for the honor – who will be moving on to J.R. Trippe Middle School in August have been given gift cards for a Chic-fil-A meal to celebrate their accomplishments.

The 5th Graders who were chosen for the BUG Celebration include Bailee Fondren, Joely Cruz, Alaysia Matthews, Marqivis Johnson, Kendyl Crump, Wadrick Hudson, Payton Edge, and Chloe Slack.

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