Dixon Won’t Seek Reelection

Toombs County Commissioner Wendell Dixon announced Monday, March 4, that he has decided not to seek reelection.
“I’ve been on the Commission for 12 years, and before that I spent 10 years serving on the Toombs County Development Authority. That makes 22 years with the County – 22 years continued from page
is a long time, and I’m not getting any younger,” Dixon commented. “I just feel like we need some younger minds on the Commission. I feel like we have done everything I wanted to do.”
He reminisced about several projects that had been completed over his time with the Commission, such as the construction of the new Toombs County Courthouse and the installation of several new jail cells at the Toombs County Detention Center. Dixon also recalled moving the Public Works Department into a new building closer to the landfill, obtaining a new Department of Family & Children Services facility, and renovating an old hospital building into an efficient EMS/EMA facility.
“All of that is so amazing,” he commented. “The courthouse has given us triple the space of the old one – which was built 60 years ago and has been outgrown for some time. The EMA/ EMS building has given our paramedics and EMTs a really nice place for their home base. I’m very proud of those things.”
He continued, “We’ve also been able to lower the County’s millage rate seven to eight times while I have been a commissioner – that is a great help to our taxpayers.” He also highlighted the financial state of the county, as he said that things are in great standing.
Yet, the thing which Dixon shares he is most proud of is the work that he and the Commission have done to repair and strengthen intergovernmental relationships. “We – the Toombs County Commission – have a great relationship with the City of Vidalia, City of Lyons, and City of Santa Claus. We’re all working really closely together, and it makes a difference,” he said.
“It’s not me that has done any of this – it is we – all the commissioners – working together,” he emphasized.
Dixon reassured that he would continue working in his role at Peoples Bank, as he said this is not a retirement, but merely him taking a step back. “Thank you all again for allowing me to serve and I also want to thank all of the other great commissioners and county managers I have served with over the years,” he shared. “I just hope that [whoever joins the Commission in the future and the future Commission as a whole] keep the County in good standing financially and continue to move forward. There will be changes in people and things, but I hope we will always be moving forward.”
Qualifying is currently open for this new Commission seat vacancy. Those wishing to run for the position should visit the Toombs County Board of Elections office by 12 p.m. on Friday, March 8, as qualifying closes at that time. For more information, call (912) 526-8226.