Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“Biden’s administration wants $106 billion funding for Israel, Ukraine, countering China, and the southern U.S. border. What they didn’t tell you is $3.5 billion is for ‘potential’ needs of Gazans; $11.8 billion for retirement pensions for Ukrainian government employees; and $4.7 billion for housing, transportation, and ‘services’ for illegal aliens in the U.S. rather than deporting them.”
“Transgenders who want the privileges of the being the other sex but do not want the surgery to be turned into the other sex are really just playacting. They are not serious without the sacrifice.”
“Yes, unfortunately, the civilians of a country, who live under the government rather than change it, are subject to the repercussions that come with the actions of that government.”
“National Public Radio receives federal funds that flow to it by federal law. Elon Musk identified National Public Radio as a “government-affiliated” news organization like the Chinese government controlled New China News Agency. Why do we let our tax money continue to support NPR liberal media when it is so profoundly one-sided and against traditional American values?”
“There is a tiny dog, a cocker spaniel, and a big gray great dane in the Sharpstead Subdivision that roam the neighborhood freely. The dogs are going to get hit or hurt. Residents of the Sharpstead Subdivision, please be responsible dog owners and control your dogs. Keep them out of the neighbors’ yards.”
“For the money that was spent for that wonderful roundabout in Lyons, someone needs to get the grass out of it because that is tacky-looking.”
“Thank you for the information about the different candidates running for office in the November 7 election and the sample ballot was great but please do it before early voting starts. I had already voted before the paper came out. Thank you for doing that, but please do it a little earlier next time.”
“On Wednesday, October 25, I was in Statesboro and gas was $2.65. I came back to Vidalia and gas was $2.88. That’s a difference of $.23, nearly a dollar for every 4 gallons that you buy if you’re in the Statesboro area. What is the problem with gas suppliers in the Toombs County area? Are they ripping us off?”
“Gas in Baxley is $2.65, compared to Vidalia, where it is $2.88. Somebody is getting rich.”
“We need a new city manager in Lyons. The only way to do that is to get rid of the old mayor and city council. They are not working for the City of Lyons and it is a disaster.”
“I enjoy the Halloween downtown, but when it comes to the costume contest, it was much better last year when they had them on the stage instead of relying on getting likes on Facebook. Some people don’t have Facebook and it’s not fair to the kids who are not getting votes because their family doesn’t have Facebook. They need to correct that next year and make it fair for kids of all ages.”
“For the Vidalia City School system, I will vote for whoever will get rid of the dress code for the Vidalia High School. We are not a private school and none of the other schools around our area has such a dress code. And also whoever will get the phones out of the kids’ hands during class time.”