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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.

Quotes for our Times:

Matt Vespa, Senior Editor at Townhall. com: More emails means things are looking even worse for the Bidens.

The rest of the post goes into further detail about the intricacies of Hunter’s scheming, but it’s clear the man knew what he was doing was shady, if not illegal. So I don’t want to hear any more about how this is just about a father loving his drug-addicted son; Democrats thought that spin would work.

The Bidens got a $10 million bribe from Burisma. The cash obtained through this deal and others were funneled through shell companies, with six banks filing over 170 suspicious activity reports about the family’s financial transactions. This story isn’t some fever dream, liberals. Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses, and we’re only lucky that Hunter forgot to pick up that laptop for unveiling the whole roadmap.

Guy Benson,'s Political Editor: The biggest sign the Biden scandal is getting serious.

The response to this from the Left, apparently, is to proclaim that Archer has essentially exonerated Biden (never mind the recent whistleblower testimony from IRS investigators who attested under oath that the DOJ 'handcuffed' them from pursuing any evidentiary leads that might lead to Joe Biden), and that it's unsavory to focus on a few cloudy statements regarding a period of time in which the Vice President was mourning the loss of his other son. Shameless. And desperate. They can smell the smoke, too, and might therefore be realizing the likelihood of a fire is quite real.

Derek Hunter, Washington, DC, based writer, radio host and political strategist: Trump needs to either fight or drop out.

I see nothing about expanding the choir from the Trump campaign, whereas Democrats expand their choir by making people hate Trump. They don’t need people to like Biden, they need them to hate Trump.

That’s pretty easy to do when the former president spends more of his time, and half of his statements, patting himself on the back. … He’s either in this to win this or he’s in this for ego. I don’t care who the nominee is, I want to win. For that to happen, the nominee has to want to win too. Donald Trump needs to decide if he wants to be president again to avenge his loss last time or to accomplish some things this time. If it’s the latter, he needs to articulate those things and make a case for himself.

Greg Gutfeld, host of Gutfeld! and cohost of The Five: Nobody saw Biden's, Garland's and the DOJ's endorsement of Trump for president coming.

So, since our justice system is currently operating like a Tijuana traffic court, it's really about the next election. Winning a case against a Republican in New York and D.C. is just so much easier than ballot harvesting, but it tells you what happens when you dare to fight. It upsets those in power. This indictment sends a message that there will be no Trump or another one like him ever. And by waiting until the Archer stuff came out, that pulled the curtain back and showed us how this machine operates. They went too far because they thought they could.

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