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Lyons Lions Sponsor Peace Poster Contest

Lyons Lions Sponsor Peace Poster Contest
L to R: Ryleigh Hester (Local 1st Place Winner), Lion Chris Rustin, Rainie McBride (Local 2nd Place Winner), Julie Tyson (Toombs County Middle School Art Teacher), Lion Linda Bishop, Natalie Moore (Local 3rd Place Winner).
Lyons Lions Sponsor Peace Poster Contest
L to R: Ryleigh Hester (Local 1st Place Winner), Lion Chris Rustin, Rainie McBride (Local 2nd Place Winner), Julie Tyson (Toombs County Middle School Art Teacher), Lion Linda Bishop, Natalie Moore (Local 3rd Place Winner).

For over three decades, Lions clubs around the globe have been sponsoring the PEACE POSTER contest in schools and youth groups. Until this year, the Lyons Lions Club had not participated, but thanks to the efforts of co-chairs Lions Chris Rustin and Linda Bishop, the opportunity to participate in this international contest was offered to local middle school students.

The theme for the posters this year is 'Lead with Compassion.' Creating peace posters gives children everywhere the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity. There were 14 students from Toombs County Middle School who participated. There are 4 levels of competition: Local Club, District, Multi-District (Lions of Georgia) and International.

Local winners were Ryleigh Hester, 1st Place; Rainie McBride, 2nd Place; and Natalie Moore, 3rd Place.

Ryleigh Hester's local 1st place winning drawing has been forwarded to 18-N District Governor Shellie Smith for the District competition.

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