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Toombs Sheriff’s Department Receives Partnership Award

The Toombs County Sheriff’s Department was presented a Community Partnership Award at the regular Toombs County Board of Education meeting on March 10. The department was recognized for its help with the recent traffic transition around the new portion of U.S. Highway 1, which surrounds Toombs Central Elementary School. “The Community Partnership Award was given to the Toombs County Sheriff's Department for the continued service it provides when needed, as well as the recent guidance and assistance provided during the traffic switch at Toombs Central Elementary School,” Superintendent Barry Waller explained.

The Board also presented its Employee of the Month awards. The Extra Mile Award was presented to Head Baseball Coach Derek James of Toombs County High School and the WOW Award was presented to Migrant Paraprofessional Jan Zorn of Lyons Primary School.

Other Business Teachers will receive a $2,000 gratuity stipend, which will be paid out between spring break and the last day of school, depending on the timing of any additional stipends the state may approve for staff members. This stipend will be provided to all full-time staff members within the school system. The following certified recommendations were accepted: Hunter Adams, Toombs County Middle School Assistant Principal; Shannon Bateman, Lyons Upper Elementary School Teacher; Jordan Cain, Toombs County Middle School Teacher; Marlyn Grantham, Toombs County High School Teacher; Matt Helms, Lyons Upper Elementary School Assistant Principal; Wendie Sikes, Toombs County Middle School Assistant Principal; and Brandy Toole, Lyons Primary School Teacher. The resignation of Anna Gillis, a teacher at Toombs County High School, was accepted, as well as the retirement of Lyons Upper Elementary School Teacher Patricia Clark. Also, Sara Conway was approved as a School Food Nutrition worker at Toombs County Middle School, while Brandy Hand will work in the School Food Nutrition Department of Lyons Upper Elementary School.

Two out-of-state field trips were approved: the Toombs County Middle School will travel to Charleston on May 6, and the Toombs County High School FCCLA Club will attend the National Conference to be held in San Diego, California, June 28-July 3.

Superintendent Waller requested that the Board amend the IDBA policy regarding sex education to include the new health requirement from recent state legislation. Also, Waller informed the Board of the need to adopt policy JBC(4) which deals with awarding units and transferring credit, because of the recent state amendment to include the Georgia Independent School Association in the list of accrediting agencies. These policies are available for viewing for 30 days on the school system website, and will be adopted at the next board meeting.

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