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MoCo Board Approves Administrative Staff

In a called session on March 25 the Montgomery County Board of Education approved administrative staff for the 2021-2022 school year.

In addition to Interim Superintendent Dr. Mark Davidson, whose position was formalized on March 22, the Board approved personnel for the next fiscal year. Among those approved were Marcee Pool, Assistant Superintendent/ Curriculum/ Human Resources; Julie Harrelson, Federal Programs/ CTAE; Audrey Walters, Special Education/ PreK; Regina Harris, Nutrition Director, part-time at 49%; Laverne Mobley, Testing Coordinator, part-time at 49%; and Mike Hilliard, School Improvement Specialist, part-time at 34%.

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Also approved were Johnny Culver, Teacher/ Director of the Alternative School; Elementary School administrators Dr. Beverly Faircloth, Principal, and Eric Burns, Assistant Principal.

Dr. Scott Barrow was approved as Principal of the Middle School and High School. Joel Watson and Dr. Davidson were approved as Middle School Assistant Principals, parttime at 49%.

Dr. Marvin Howard was approved as Assistant Principal, part-time at 49%, at the High School and Jimmy Williams was approved Assistant Principal and Head Boys Basketball Coach at the High School, part-time at 49%.

Additionally, Candace Keene has been named as Administrative Assistant at Eagle Academy. She will also continue as Instructional Coach at the elementary School.

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