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DVA to Hold Annual Scarecrows ‘Round Downtown’ Event

The Downtown Vidalia Association (DVA) is currently accepting applications for participants to craft their own scarecrows to decorate the downtown area. The sidewalks downtown will be filled with fall decorations, as individuals, families, groups, schools, and businesses are invited to sign up to craft their own themed scarecrows to be displayed throughout the area and to compete for cash prizes. “We look for any opportunity for people to walk around downtown,” DVA Executive Director Tonya Parker explained. “This is a great way to bring all ages to the area. I have met people from out of town just walking in our downtown area during the fall, admiring all the creative scarecrows.”

Parker also said these decorations are going to provide a festive element to the upcoming Food Truck Fest, which will be held on October 22, and Downtown Spooktacular, which will be held October 29.

Each scarecrow has the opportunity to win in several categories. A single People’s Choice overall winner will be chosen by the community through the DVA facebook page. Photos of each scarecrow will be posted on Tuesday, October 17, and the winners will be announced on October 28. Judges’ Choice winners will be selected from four categories: Family/Individual, Groups, Schools, and Businesses. These winners will be announced on October 18.

Scarecrows must be homemade and follow a theme submitted by the participant to the DVA on the form. Scarecrows must also be durable and securely attached to ensure their withstanding of weather conditions. No items may be attached, tied to, or hung from trees, benches, or lampposts, and no stakes, spikes, or poles are to be driven into the ground in the downtown area. All structures must employ surface anchors, such as sand buckets.

For more information on the rules and guidelines of the event, or to apply for participation, contact the DVA office at (912) 5378033, or stop by the location at 128 Church Street on Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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