Wheeler Officers Apprehend Suspects, Narcotics, Firearms After Chase

Wheeler County Sheriff’s deputies apprehended two suspects and confiscated evidence including multiple narcotics and firearms following a 15-mile, high-speed chase down country backroads and across two counties late Thursday, January 23.
Officers apprehended Kedeem Amir Wicker, of Wrightsville, and Regina Grissett Butler, of Telfair, said Sheriff Glenn Giles.
Wicker is charged with possession of marijuana; reckless driving; trafficking in cocaine, il- continued from page
legal drugs, marijuana, or methamphetamine; illegal possession of a controlled substance; possession of a Schedule I or II controlled substance with intent to distribute; possession of a Schedule III, IV or V controlled substance with intent to distribute; theft by receiving stolen property (misdemeanor); possession of a Schedule II controlled substance; possession of a firearm/ knife during the commission or attempt to commit felonies; possession and use of drug related objects; abandonment of certain dangerous drugs, poisons, or controlled substances; possession of a firearm by a convicted felon; fleeing or attempted to elude police officer; and speed 55 mph (46-999 miles over).
Butler was charged with possession of a Schedule I or II controlled substance with intent to distribute; possession of a Schedule III, IV or V controlled substance with intent to distribute; trafficking in cocaine, illegal drugs, marijuana or methamphetamine; possession of a firearm/knife during the commission or attempt to commit felonies; illegal continued from page
possession of a controlled substance; theft by receiving stolen property (misdemeanor); possession of drug related objects; and abandonment of certain dangerous drugs, poisons, or controlled substances; possession of marijuana.
The incident occurred when WCSO Cpl. Mark Murray and Deputy Bryan Vickery were in separate vehicles and patrolling on U. S. Highway 280 when they encountered a white Cadillac with a strong smell of marijuana coming from the vehicle. The officers attempted to initiate a stop at Highway 280 and Union Springs Road, but the driver of the Cadillac failed to stop. The suspect continued travelling west on Highway 280, turning onto Bay Springs Road, then making a turn onto Georgia Highway 149, and then onto W. Hope Church Road and Clegg Road, then circling back to Highway 149 and accelerating to a high rate of speed.
During the pursuit, the officers observed several items being thrown from the passenger’s side of vehicle they were chasing. As the officers followed the suspects into the little town of Scotland, crossing into Telfair County, the suspects’ vehicle jumped the railroad tracks and the driver briefly lost control of the vehicle. Vickery said in his report that he did not see the suspect driver apply his brakes as he approached the tracks and that the vehicle jumped the tracks with sparks flying from the underside of the vehicle. The suspect driver recovered control and continued on Georgia Highway 149 toward U.S. Highway 341 in Telfair County. Soon after, a Telfair County Sheriff’s Deputy joined the pursuit and with the assistance of this deputy, the Wheeler officers were able to box in the suspects’ vehicle and bring the chase to a halt. The suspects were taken into custody without incident. When a search of the suspect vehicle was conducted, officers found three firearms within arm’s reach of the suspects — two pistols, one of which was reported stolen, and an AR 15. Several narcotics were either found inside the vehicle or beside the road where the pursuit ensued. These included: marijuana, ecstasy, Xanax, amphetamines, cocaine, oxycodone/fentanyl, and hydrocodone. Also discovered by officers were three sets of digital scales, and bags that varied in size, which are common in the sale and distribution of narcotics.
The suspects were jailed in Wheeler County and are awaiting a bond hearing.
Sheriff Giles commended his officers and thanked Telfair County law enforcement for its assistance.
Regina Grissett Butler
Kadeem Amir Wicker