Judge Reeves Reprimanded

The Judicial Qualifications Commission has officially negotiated a resolution in the group’s case against Middle Judicial Circuit Chief Superior Court Judge Robert Reeves, in which the Judge was subjected to a 30-day suspension without pay and a public reprimand, while also agreeing he would not run for reelection at the end of his term.
Reeves was first charged with 58 counts of alleged misconduct in November 2022, and has since attended several meetings with the Commission’s investigative panel to answer to the allegations. After several months of these investigations, the panel proposed a disciplinary resolution of suspending Reeves for a month to the Commission’s hearing panel, on the basis that Reeves had admitted guilt of 33 charges. The Hearing Panel accepted this resolution, but added an additional public reprimand to the agreement. Read the official ruling from the Judicial Qualifications Commission on Page 10A.