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Vidalia Facing Car Break-In Epidemic

The Vidalia Police Department is urging citizens to lock their cars after several strings of car break-ins have plagued the city.

According to Sergeant Shannon Martin, these break-ins have been going on throughout the city for several days recently, with the most being reported on the night of Wednesday, March 13, and early morning of Thursday, March 14. During this time period 16 vehicles were reported to have been broken into. “There may have been more. A lot of times if nothing is missing, people won’t report it,” she added.

During these breakins, not a single window was broken nor were the vehicles forcibly entered. “These were all unlocked cars,” Martin explained. “All that anyone had to do to enter them was wiggle the handle and realize it was unlocked.”

She said that not only were these vehicles unlocked, but that owners had left inside the vehicles several valuable items, such as firearms. Thus, the police are urging citizens to lock their vehicles and remove their valuables when going inside for the night. “These are small things you can do to help ensure your vehicle’s safety,” Martin emphasized.

The Department is also asking that anyone with home security cameras review their footage and turn any clips of suspicious activity over to investigators. “A lot of people do not realize that it is the things that they think are not able to help that do,” Martin shared. “Minor details, such as writing on clothing, may be the key we need to help solve the case. Home surveillance is a big key.”

She continued, “Ultimately, we need people to work with us and to lock their doors.”

Martin assured that investigators are actively continuing to probe the situation and are hopeful to solve the cases soon. If you have any information, or would like to turn in home security footage for evidence, call the Vidalia Police Department Investigative Services Division at (912) 537-4123.

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