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Vidalia American Legion Members Honor the Fallen

American Legion Post 313 of Vidalia Adjutant Brenda “Dallas” Spivey and Publications Officer Wilson Johnson represented the post at the recent funeral service for Sergeant Kennedy Ladon Sanders in Waycross.

American Legion 8th District Commander Allen Brown requested that his post participate in the ceremony, as he felt it was important to honor Sanders, who was 1 of 3 soldiers killed in a drone strike in Jordan in January. “She appeared to be that special someone to everyone who spoke of her,” Johnson commented. “Waycross was her hometown and her hometown made her proud – from the Governor of Georgia to the Mayor of Waycross, the city and local leaders, our Armed Services veteran organizations, and friends who gave her the keys to the city and their hearts, she [was honored] and now rests with the Almighty Master of Might.”

The men traveled to Waycross to the funeral on Saturday, February 17, where they joined numerous others in honoring Sanders’s sacrifice. “It was a tearful goodbye, but a joyous occasion, as we listened to every salute to our fallen comrade. She chose the cause, she wanted to serve, and she served us well,” Johnson emphasized. “To her family, we extend our heartfelt gratitude and condolences.”

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