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Atlanta Gas Light Company Asks For Public Participation in Universal Service Fund Survey

Courtesy of the Toombs County Development Authority

The Atlanta Gas Light Company is currently conducting a public survey to discover areas underserved by natural gas and other amenities as a part of the Company’s planning process with the Georgia Public Service Commission.

Toombs County Executive Director Michele Johnson recently spoke on the survey, as she remarked, “The Toombs County Development Authority (TCDA) is working with local businesses and economic development officials to assist Atlanta Gas Light Company (AGLC) in evaluating natural gas infrastructure needs throughout the region. If your company uses natural gas in daily operations, please review and consider this survey opportunity.”

She continued, “Please participate as appropriate and/or share this link with builders, developers, development authorities or others who may wish to submit a development or project(s) for consideration for the 2024 -2025 USF program. These are typically larger projects that would not be economically feasible under AGLC’s current line extension policy. Once the survey has concluded, submissions will be compiled and evaluated. AGLC will then submit to the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) on or around September 1st for project selection. The PSC typically provides project approvals in December.”

The survey will ask the public about projects which they plan to complete within 2025 or 2026, and asks that as much information as possible is shared about each project. To submit more than 5 planned projects, a second survey form should be completed.

Participants may log on to https://www.surveymonkey. com/ r/ USFSurvey2024 to complete the form. All form completions will be made as part of public record and will be considered, but AGLC may not apply for PSC funding for all projects.

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