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ons Garden Club and to bring growth to their organization as well, while also tapping into our area’s agricultural roots,” George emphasized.

Yet, even with the recently received grants, more funding is needed for the Lyons Garden Club project; thus, to help with these costs, Gardens of Hope is hosting a fundraising gala at 6 p.m. on Saturday, February 24. The event is themed around “The Secret Garden” concept, and will feature dinner, live music, and a silent auction.

George said the event will be a great way not only to contribute to the cause, but to learn more about the organization, as he shared that recent conversation around substance use disorder had shifted within the area.

“I’m really proud of this community and how it has transformed its approach and perspective on addiction. It has changed so much over the last few years,” George remarked. “We’ve watched this community transform in how it responds to those in addiction or recovery, and how it responds to us and our message. We’ve looked for every opportunity we can find to stand on every platform to talk about recovery. By doing so, we’ve seen walls come down.”

Cruz added, “The more people are speaking out about recovery and recovering out loud, the more people are coming into treatment, the more people are seeking services because it is no longer taboo. Where it was once a thing of shame, now recovering is an accomplishment. You can have your head lifted high about making it through or fighting the battle. It makes people want to be a part of that fight and be proud of it.”

Tickets for the gala are on sale for $75 each, or for $500 per table of eight, and may be purchased at the Clubhouse, or by contacting (912) 454-1953 or (912) 388-2206. For more information on Gardens of Hope RCO, or other ways to donate, visit the organization’s Facebook page.

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