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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.

Quotes for our Times:

Byron York, chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner: Democratic Lawfare vs. Donald Trump.

The story of the 2024 campaign so far is the effort by Democrats and their appointees to use criminal charges and lawsuits to force former President Donald Trump out of the race for a second term in the White House. The name for such an effort is 'lawfare' — that is, 'the strategic use of legal proceedings to intimidate or hinder an opponent,' to cite one law dictionary. …

It is as if anti-Trump leaders concluded that elections did not succeed in getting rid of him, and media attacks did not succeed in getting rid of him, and investigations did not succeed in getting rid of him, and now the next step is lawfare. That's where we are now.

Rebecca Downs, Web Editor at Townhall. com: David Axelrod makes bold prediction about future of Ramaswamy campaign.

Ramswamy has also spoken out against the weaponization against Trump with the various indictments from progressive district attorneys and Special Counsel Jack Smith, promising to pardon Trump if he's elected. Last week, Ramaswamy also said he'd withdraw from the ballot in Colorado, in solidarity with Trump after the Colorado Supreme Court kicked Trump off of the ballot.

Gregg Jarrett, Fox News legal analyst and commentator: With support for Biden fading, and the corruption case building, will he quit the presidential race?

There is a fair chance that Joe is still capable of reading the writing on the wall. Or willing to capitulate to the wishes of his family and party elders. If he bows out, he won’t cite his pervasive unpopularity as the real reason. Nor will he acknowledge any wrongdoing in the corruption scandal that has enveloped his presidency.

Instead, he will embrace the mantle of victimhood by blaming those evil 'MAGA Republicans' for engineering the criminal prosecutions of Hunter, demonizing the son he remains 'proud of,' and citing general concerns over the welfare of his family for his decision to abandon re-election.

Chad Wolf, former acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and executive director and chair of the Center for Homeland Security and Immigration at the America First Policy Institute: Biden will talk border if Republicans talk something else first.

Now is the time for real change, not halfmeasures. Conservatives should continue to work toward passing real and proven border security reforms that will secure the border, defeat the cartels and end human trafficking.

The House of Representatives did just that by passing H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act, earlier this year. That bill contains numerous America First policies, including reforming asylum to prevent fraud in the system and mandating all the discretionary enforcement authority this administration refuses to use. The bill could pass the Senate and go to Biden’s desk to be signed into law, but Majority Leader Chuck Schumer controls the legislative calendar and refuses to schedule it for a vote.

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