Elliott Speaks to the Four Rivers Chapter

The Four Rivers Chapter, Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution held its monthly meeting on Thursday night, September 21, 2023, at Chatters Restaurant in Lyons. With President George King presiding, there were 14 in attendance. The program was presented by Dan Elliott of the Lamar Institute. He had a video and spoke on the 'Arms of Ebenezer.' He was the speaker at the 2nd Annual Brier Creek Celebration that was held on March 11, 2017, on the Brier Creek Battlefield picket line on Andy Chisom's property. Daniel Elliott has more than 48 years' experience in archaeology in the southeastern United States with diverse expertise in settlement patterning, prehistoric exchange networks, archaic studies, battlefield archaeology, and Ground Penetrating Radar surveying. He has directed archeological projects at Ebenezer, Fort Hawkins, Ossabaw Island and Purysburg, as well as many other sites. He is currently serving as the President of the LAMAR Institute here in Georgia. He lives with his wife and fellow archaeologist Rita and their dog Sheila in their Birdhouse in Rincon.