Lyons Handles Regular Business at City Council Meeting
Lyons City Council members handled the usual monthly affairs at the Council’s regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 5. The Council selected Hofstadler and Associates to serve as the engineering company for the revitalization of Faison Park. City Manager Jason Hall explained to the Council that questions had arisen regarding Hofstadler’s ability and experience with designing parks, but shared that after further consideration of the needed drainage system within the park, the company would be the best possible option for the project. Mayor Willis Ne-Smith also shared that out of the 5 proposals received for the project, 4 had never before put in bids, and that the City planned to send those 4 letters thanking them for their interest in the task.
Council also authorized Mayor NeSmith to execute a lease agreement with the Georgia Properties Commission, who desires to rent the building that formerly housed the Lyons Main Street Association.
Mayor NeSmith informed the Council that he would be issuing a joint proclamation alongside Vidalia Mayor Doug Roper and Toombs County Commission Chairman David Sikes that will proclaim September as the 2023 Recovery Awareness Month. This presentation occurred at the Mobilize Recovery event at Ronnie A. Dixon City Park on Tuesday, September 12. An amendment was approved to be made to the agreement with Verizon Wireless regarding the water tower attachment communication systems. Hall explained that Verizon was planning to remove and replace the communication antennas currently on the water tower, which would cause an increased rental rate. This rate was negotiated and approved by the Council.
The Council approved to amend the FY2023 operating budget to give Ohoopee Regional Library System Director Cameron Asbell up to $9,000 in funding to create a master plan for the Nelle Brown Memorial Library in Lyons. This plan will help complete a grant application in 2024 for funding to renovate the library.
Council members issued an alcohol license to S’moore’s Coffee Shop & Creations in Lyons for the sale of beer and wine.
Juneteenth Committee Chair Attallaka Williams informed the council that the group was planning a free movie night at Vincent Faison Sr. Park on Friday, October 20. She shared the group picked this date because of it being a week in which Toombs County High School did not have a football game. The movie that will be shown has not yet been determined.
Harris also told the Council that the Spreading Equity and Empowerment in Disenfranchised Societies (SEEDS) group is currently planning a fundraiser that will be conducted in December.
During the Lyons Main Street Association Report, it was shared that the Association had signed its annual contract with Tales from the Altamaha Playwright Laurie Jo Upchuch, and that meetings had begun for the Tales committee to discuss expectations and timeline.
Also, according to the report, 14 professional barbecue teams have signed up for the upcoming Real Squeal BBQ & Music Festival, which will also feature a disc golf tournament on September 30. This tournament will have both adult and youth divisions.
The Chamber of Commerce monthly report reminded the Council of several upcoming events, including the regular monthly meeting of the Toombs County Development Authority on Thursday, September 14; the Greater Vidalia Chamber Summit on Thursday, September 28; the Greater Vidalia Chamber State of Industry on Thursday, October 5; and the Greater Vidalia Chamber Business Expo on Thursday, October 12.
September “workaversaries” were acknowledged for Erik Arispe – 1 year, Densier Carnes – 3 years, Sharese McDonald – 5 years, James McGowan – 17 years, and Wayne Walden – 10 years. Carl Coursey was also acknowledged for his 10-year “workaversary” last month because of his inability to attend the August meeting.
Next month’s work session will be held at 6 p.m. on September 19, and the next council meeting will be Tuesday, October 3, at 6 p.m.
LYONS COMMUNITY CLEAN-UP – Dozens of Lyons citizens and public officials scattered through the city limits on Saturday, September 9, as a part of the city’s first Community Clean-Up. L to R: City Manager Jason Hall, Councilwoman Cathy Benton, Mayor Willis NeSmith, Jr., Councilman John Moore, Jr.
ELDER FRAUD FORUM – Altamaha Bank & Trust held an Elder Fraud Forum on Thursday, September 7, to inform senior citizens about protecting themselves from fraud. Altamaha Bank & Trust Chief Technology Officer Shan Venable spoke to the attendees about scams through new technology and online services that the elderly may not be familiar with.