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logged community service hours receives an extra accolade and recognition during the Senior Honors Awards, which inspires students to go above and beyond the required hours.

“There is no way to describe the pride that we feel knowing that our members were able to rank nationally in a category of community service all on their own,” the sponsors shared in a joint statement. “As their sponsors we can only help provide opportunities and guide them in their completion of the service hours, we cannot do it for them. This along with the fact that many, if not all, of our members are in other clubs and sports and are still able to accomplish this great feat should be inspiring. We hope that our members see how much of an impact they do have not only on their school but on their community as well.”

Montgomery County High School Principal Scott Barrow also commented on the accomplishment. 'I am very proud of our Senor Beta students and sponsors for doing things the Eagle Way, going above and beyond expectations!' he remarked.

Currently, the Beta Club is led by the sponsors, along with a collection of student officers, including Senior Ashton Thigpen – President, Senior Citlali Hernandez – Vice President, Senior Dev Patel – Service Chair, Senior Rebecca Hong – Treasurer, Junior Paris Ann Thornton – Reporter, Junior Tulsi Patel – Event Chair, Junior Max Barrow – Secretary, Sophomore Nora Cartwright – Co-Secretary, Sophomore Addyson Shepherd – Public Relations, Sophomore Haze Thigpen – Convention Chair.

The group will continue to log community service hours, making a rise in the national rank possible, as 29 hours currently separate them and the school ranked second nationally in community service hours.

'We are blessed to live in a small town where we continue to look after each other,” Superintendent Stan Rentz emphasized. “It is encouraging to see our BETA students actively involved in helping to improve and support their community. Our Beta members serve as great ambassadors for Montgomery County and we are all extremely proud of their work and recognition.'

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