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Chief Jermon Advises Business Owners About Security

This holiday season, Vidalia Police Chief James Jermon has shared a list of tips to help business owners ensure their security.

This list includes a checklist which entrepreneurs should review to make sure they are doing all they can to secure their property and discourage burglars.

• Secure doors with quality door, frame, and hardware (hinges, locks, fasteners) installed. These form a mini-security system that is only as good as its weakest point.

• Fences because, al though not impassable, they act as deterrents to burglars.

Plant barriers can conceal burglars. Therefore, a fence or wall that you can see through is suggested.

• Removing any ladders or other tools that may be used to break in.

• Install bright interior and exterior lighting to prevent commercial burglaries.

Make all openings visible from both the exterior and interior of the store, at night and throughout the day.

Well-lit entrances discourage burglary. Lights should be protected to prevent breakage or tampering as well.

• Grills and storefront gates are encouraged, as they delay entry. Safes should be Underwriters Laboratory listed and bolted to the floor. If possible, position your safe so that it is visible from the street.

• Valuables should be marked for identification and stored securely. The serial numbers along with descriptions of your valuable items should be stored in a separate location.

• Walls should go up to the highest ceiling. Many walls only go up to the false ceiling, allowing a burglar to enter the room by climbing over the wall above the hanging ceiling. Skylights are also another point of entry from the ceiling area.

• Windows and en trances should be visible at every point possible by nearby offices and the street. With all accesses visible, burglars are less likely to break in. Consider replacing windows near your doors if they are not protected from breakage. Windows in or near doors should be treated (safety laminated or tempered) glass, break-resistant acrylic or polycarbonate plastic. Make sure windows or sliding doors cannot be pried from their tracks. All fasteners and screws for tracks and frames should be inaccessible from the outside.

These changes mentioned in the checklist may help prevent criminals and thieves from invading your business throughout the year. Jermon also encourages business owners to contact the police department with any questions or if suspicious behavior is witnessed.

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