Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“I think Stacey Abrams is doing a fantastic job losing this election… again, keep speaking your mind!”
“As Christians, we need to help those who are hurting, without turning to clichés even if they are found in God’s Word. Sometimes there are no appropriate words, and we simply need to listen, to be there with a quiet hug or a caring shoulder. We do not have to have an answer to their problems, just a demonstration that we care.”
“I recently visited two big box stores in Vidalia and noticed that employees are engaged in conversation with each other, and in one instance an employee was seated in a chair near the cashier stations. The cashier stations were not manned, although the employees were doing nothing. I had to scan my items, bag them and check myself out at the self checkout while employees that could be running the cashier stations sit idle.”
“The George Floyd funeral set a pretty high bar, but I believe Queen Elizabeth’s funeral actually surpassed it.”
“My birthday is Nov. 8, and the greatest birthday gift I could ever get would be to have Brian Kemp in the governor’s mansion for 4 more years, and Stacey Abrams in the wind.”
“Vidalia Walmart store didn’t have 1 handicap scooter on the floor 7/20/22. I called Walmart, they didn’t care. I also called Congressman Rick Allen, he didn’t care, either. Good luck getting a scooter at the Walmart store.”
“I think that Brian Kemp is one of the best governors the state of Georgia has ever had. I’m so looking forward to having him for 4 more years come Nov. 8. He’s thoughtful, he cares about the people, and he knows how to spend our money wisely. Cast your vote for Brian Kemp. I promise you will not be sorry.”
“I have 2 signs in my yard. One is white with a red heart and says ‘I love Kemp.’ The other is a black one and says ‘Stacey go home’. I’d like to see Brian Kemp in the governor’s mansion and Stacey Abrams. on the road.”
“So when the science doesn’t fit Stacey Abrams’ narrative, she just ditches the science.”
“I would like to thank the new manager of the Dollar Tree for cleaning that store up. He’s done an amazing job. He’s very kind and caring.”
“I called the city about emptying the garbage at Pinecrest Cemetery 2 weeks ago. It hasn’t been emptied in 2 months. Do you suppose they could get someone out to empty it or put more garbage cans?”
“The GA Dept. of Transportation can do some crazy things. A traffic circle in Lyons on 292 at Oxley Blvd. Looks like it would have been better to put a 4-way stop or a traffic light. I can’t wait to see all these people who have never been through a traffic circle learn how to go through without making a circle and a circle and a circle.”
“Attention voters: Stacey Abrams is apparently now an OB/ GYN and proclaims, ‘There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman’s body.’ She’s an extreme left conspiracy monger. Please vote Republican on Nov. 8. Our country needs a return to normal.”
“Look at it this way, folks. There are 435 members of the US House of Representatives and 100 members of the US Senate. That is 535 people controlling the fate of this great nation of 320 million people. We Americans deserve the very best of the best people representing us, not no good politicians that are in office to enrich themselves and who play with our lives as if it was some kind of game. Please don’t give up on the greatest country on the planet. Get out and vote.”
“Stacey Abrams better be careful, if she starts terminating humans with “no sign of a heartbeat” we would lose her and half of Washington.”
“All you see on the television is Herschel Walker threatened his now ex wife 20 years ago, but Raphael Warnock literally ran over his wife in March of 2020!”
“Thanks, Uncle Joe and Communist Harris and Peculiar Mrs. Pelosi, a $2.89 quart of cooking oil at my favorite grocery outlet is now $7.79. Will you come to dinner if I invite you ?”
“The Braves stuck it up the rear of that idiot MLB Commissioner who moved the Allstar game out of Atlanta because of the new revamped voting legislation, they won the World Series. Now Biden and the Demorats want to change the name of the World Series Atlanta Braves. They are gonna mess around and @#%$ off the folks in Georgia and there will be hell to pay.”