BPC Student Ministries Building Dedication

On Saturday, July 30, 2022, Brewton-Parker College (BPC) honored Barbra “Bobbi” K. Goble and D. Eugene Briscoe by dedicating a student life building in honor of their love and dedication for the college. Many family members and friends attended the dedication in support of these two people who would be honored to be a part of such an amazing ministry. The Briscoe center was dedicated to D. Eugene Briscoe on April 22, 1993. As director of the Georgia Baptist Department of Student Work, Reverend Briscoe had been working with the college to finalize plans for the religious activities center. Unfortunately, during the planning process, Rev. Briscoe was tragically killed in an automobile accident. After Rev. Briscoe’s passing, President Y. Lynn Holmes expressed his appreciation for all Mr. Briscoe had done, and was planning to do for the college, that he decided to dedicate this building to him. Barbra “Bobbi” Goble was an integral part of Brewton-Parker College for decades. She not only attended BPC, she was a huge asset to student ministries and awareness of the college. While a student, she was awarded for her “Outstanding Leadership and Service.”, was part of the Baptist Student Union leadership, as well as a member of the Young Women Auxiliary. After graduating with her Associate’s from Brewton-Parker,MissBobbi continued her education receiving a Bachelor’s from the University of Florida and pursued graduate studies at Georgia Southern College. Miss Bobbi’s job in the Montgomery County School System prepared her for her position as the Registrar at BPC in 1973. As she served students with her credentials and experience as the Registrar, Miss Bobbi also worked for the Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) in the Briscoe Center from 1998-2010. Because of the numerous students’ lives Miss Goble touched, the college dedicated this building in her memory.
President Steve Echols addressedhisthanksregarding Miss Bobbi’s generosity and her heart for the students all those years of service to the College, as wellasthefamily,expressing his thanks, “Without your help and input, we could not have made this dedication possible.”Healsoproceeded to thank the family for their patience as Covid-19 put a halt to the plans they had for the Briscoe-Goble Center.
Reverend Joe Graham, who was BCM pastor for several years, made some special remarks to the family about his remembrance of Mr. Briscoe, and the dream that he had for campus ministries. He stated, “It was because of his dream that we could start this campus ministry.” Rev. Joe continued to say that Miss Bobbi was the one who “trained the campus minister.” He stated, “If it weren’t for Bobbi, a lot of things wouldn’t have happened as well as they did.”
Reverend Al Rahn also made some remarks regarding his remembrance of Miss Bobbi and the four years they were able to work together all those years ago. “I consider it an honor to sit here and give some words about Bobbi on this special occasion.” He stated that Miss Bobbi was more than just a worker in the building, she was a good friend, and she had a tremendous love for students. “On top of that, she loved the Lord. She also loved Brewton-Parker College… I know she is smiling down from heaven seeing that some of her influence is part of this occasion today.”
Adam Stanley, Director of Student Life at Brewton-Parker College, continued by presenting the vision for theBriscoe-GobleCenteras it is used for Campus Ministries. Madison Herrin, the College’sBCMdirector,will use this space to equip students for ministry. Stanley stated, “We are training students in discipleship to be disciplers of others.” There will be several programs that the students will be in charge of in regards to this new building. New ministries will include Disciple Now Ministries, Random Acts of Kindness, Discipleship through Bible Studies across campus. Stanley stated, “ We believe they will meet in the space to train for what they will do in their future.”
Nancy Goble, Miss Goble’s sister-in-law, spoke on behalf of the family. She thanked Dr. Echols and his assistant, Laura Hay, and everyone else for all of their hard work to get the Briscoe Center renovated and ready for this dedication and for students to enjoy. She remarked, “It is really a beautiful building, one we know Bobbi would be very proud of.” She continued to express how much Bobbi loved the students and the school, and how proud she would be to be honored in such a way as this.
RTCA JUNIOR RING CEREMONY — Robert Toombs Christian Academy held its official Junior Class Ring Ceremony on August 19, 2022. Caroline Thompson, a junior at RTCA, welcomed family and friends to the ceremony. Junior Ansley Akins led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the invocation. Junior Trent Smith spoke about the ring tradition, how to wear your ring, and the tradition of unity. Mr. Travis Absher, Head of School at RTCA, presented the rings to the class and a representative from Herff Jones Company gave the official declaration. (L to R): Front Row: Arlie Gooden, Emmie Davis, Rachel Threlkeld, Alli Hart, and Ava Bomkamp, Back Row: Cole Masterman-Smith, Trent Smith, Hunter Ennis, Hayden Kight, Joey Todd, Ryan Wiggins, and Reagan Smith.