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as President of the Kiwanis Club of Vidalia.
Centennial Celebration
The event on August 19 at Hawk’s Pointe will be an occasion to celebrate the local Kiwanis Club’s century of dedication and devotion to the community, and will offer fellow Kiwanian and Georgia football legend Herschel Walker an opportunity to talk about the civic engagement this organization embodies.
“Our guest speaker has achieved so much on the field and has given it all back to our youth — something that we strive to do every day,” said Vidalia Kiwanis Club Vice President and Program Chair Olivia Warnock. “We are thrilled to be hosting a night of fun and celebration,” Warnock remarked. “One hundred years of community service across the world is truly an astonishing accomplishment. This isn’t just to celebrate the Kiwanis Club, but also to extend a ‘thank you’ to all of our members for their hard work and dedication to the group.”
She went on to explain that the event will be a tailgate-themed evening, complete with fun, food, a cash bar, and a trip down memory lane highlighting all of the work the Club has done for the Sweet Onion City.
Th e current Kiwanis Club President Jason Davis had this to say about the 100th anniversary observance: “I am amazed at the many varied ways the Vidalia Kiwanis Club has served the city of Vidalia and the surrounding regions for over a hundred years now. This community would not be nearly the wonderful place that it is without the efforts of our local Kiwanians for several generations now.
“It is going to be hard to surpass the Vidalia Kiwanis Club’s previous achievements over the next 100 years, but we are sure going to try! It’s a joy to be part of a group of citizens that love our community so much and want to make it an even better place.”
For further information on the event, call 912-293-4444, or visit the Kiwanis Club of Vidalia facebook page. Tickets are required for the event and must be purchased in advance, as they will not be sold at the door.
ACKNOWLEDGING EXCELLENCE — In this vintage photo, Kiwanis Club of Vidalia Secretary Wesley Luhn presents the Kiwanian of the Year award to Howard Hill. The award is determined by a vote among members. Kiwanians often recognize excellence in both members and youth.