New Director of the Academic Success Center for Brewton-Parker College

Brewton-Parker College (BPC) recently announced Dr. Frank Sharpe of Laurens County as the Director of the Academic Success Center (ASC). As the Director, Dr. Sharpe will facilitate educational support and tutoring services to BPC students and plans to expand the online tutoring services. The ASC also offers specialized help with student papers at the Writing Center. Before accepting this position, Dr. Sharpe taught full-time last fall and taught remote classes in BPC's prison and Youth Challenge programs in the spring. Prior to joining BPC, Dr. Sharpe was a Junior Fellow with the Blount Program at the University of Alabama. Education has always been a priority for Dr. Sharpe as both of his parents and his older brother are teachers. Dr. Robert Brian, BPC’s Provost, shared his enthusiasm by saying, “I am very excited that Dr. Frank Sharpe will be joining us this fall in the key role of ASC Director. Over the spring and summer, we have strengthened our capacity for spotting students showing early signs of disengagement or those who just need more academic support. Dr. Sharpe will be leading a team of tutors, advisors, and mentors charged with making student success an attainable goal for all Barons.”
Dr. Sharpe understands some of the challenges that come with being a college student. “Students are already in a new environment with high expectations.” He sees the services provided by the ASC as a way to be more actively engaged in the success of students and meeting those expectations. Dr. Sharpe hopes to see growth in the number of students progressing in their classes and successfully making it to graduation. “I want them to know we're on their side. Combine that with the chance to help people on a personal level and then I think we'll really have something to feel good about.”
The work of the ASC is valuable to both students and BPC according to Dr. Sharpe. “Your time in college is valuable, not just because of tuition, but because you will only be here for so long. These four years will go by before you know it, so do the best you can without looking for shortcuts.” He believes we need to provide a strong support system for students who are struggling, stating, “This is important to both our success as an institution and the morale of the students.”
Dr. Sharpe said his favorite Bible verse is, “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33b). Regarding Servant Leadership, Dr. Sharpe stated, “Service is one of the most meaningful things we can do in our world. And I think servant leadership is leadership with its heart in the right place.” In his new position as Director of Academic Success, Dr. Sharpe looks forward to seeing Brewton-Parker grow and prosper while staying true to its mission and core values. “It’s just an honor to be a part of that.”