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Your Mind

Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.

“The turnout in Toombs/Montgomery

was embarrassing the first go around. We wouldn’t be paying for a runoff if even half of registered voters had voted. There was less than 15% who voted!”

“As far as the Covid shots go: one side considers the other ignorant Neanderthals who won’t accept modern science and take the shots; the Neanderthals consider the others Suckers and Hypochondriacs who will fall for any snake oil sales pitch that they think will make them safe or pay them money.”

“It’s funny all the entitlements people are getting. I’m on disability and my wife is on social security. Our money went up a whole $50 a year. Everyone else is gettign $300 to $400 extra a year. What happened to taking care of the old people who have worked all their lives?”

“The news media recently described Jerry Falwell, a well-known preacher, as a problem in our nation because he spoke out against abortion and nontraditional marriage, which is now legal. No one cares that God is offended. Billy Graham’s son Franklin Graham stated that socialism has always been an enemy to Christianity.”

“Vidalia’s junk car ordinance seems to have selective enforcement. There are tons of them around here and only certain people get harassed.”

“Police reform is only one piece of the puzzle. How about some good old-fashioned criminal reform?”

“If you’re gonna have a business, I think you should have somebody to answer the phones. I have tried Walmart several times and it would just ring, ring, ring. That is one of the worst places to get anybody on the phone and it needs to be attended to.”

“On Hwy. 280, you need to take a ride up and down the highway. There are holes all over the road. You need to examine them.”

“I think it’s a policy that trash cans should be moved off the street after pickup on the same day. Some are being left on the streets all the time. They should be taken in so the neighborhoods don’t look so bad. Please do this immediately and thank you.”

“The new grocery store in Vidalia that recently started operation where one had been previously. They have a good selection on things your would expect, but never seem to have the good specials they advertise. If you’re going to advertise these things at these prices, have some in the store. It is a recurring problem week after week. Please fix it.”

“The use of fossil fuels is recycling dinosaurs. What could be greener than that?”

“I agree with the people who have been writing about a traffic light at Lowe’s and Spivey Orthopedic. It looks like if Dr. Spivey could make a donation to the library, he could make a donation to the city to have a traffic light put there for the safety of all.”

“What terrible times we’re going through. I even have my flag at half-mast on Independence Day. Heaven help us all. God bless America, land that I love.”

“I would like to know what is wrong with the mayor, city council and city manager of Lyons. They have raised everything. My water bill went up $20 a month in 2 weeks. Something is going wrong. We need some more city council or some more management. It is not right.”

“On Fox News over the weekend, they interviewed college students. Every one they interviewed said they were not proud to be Americans. I have a suggestion: get your stuff and move to China, Japan, or wherever you think will be better.”

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