Lyons Main Street Awards Luray Sharpe Reid Scholarships

Lyons Main Street awarded the Luray Sharpe Reid Scholarship to three recipients Monday night at Hardware Pizza. The Luray Reid Sharpe Scholarship in the amount of $1000 is awarded to students who have participated in Tales from the Altamaha in their four years of high school. In addition to participation, cooperation, discipline, respect, trustworthiness, dependability, good character, truthfulness and integrity are required.
Tales from the Altamaha was canceled in 2020 and 2021. The Tales Committee discussed the Scholarship and how these young folks tried out last year with the intention of being in the play, the fact that they accumulated 550 volunteer/ community service hours from 2017 – 2019 each, and that they would be back this year if at all possible. The committee decided that with the time and effort already put forth, good intentions and meeting all of the other requirements, they earned their scholarships!
This year’s seniors are Campbell Adams, Emma Creamer and Andrew Mead. Campbell Adams has been a cast member for 9 years and on the Tales Board for 2 years. She is graduating from Vidalia High School and will be attending SCAD to study art history or graphic design. Emma Creamer has been a cast member for 5 years. She is graduating from Toombs County High School and will be attending Georgia Southern to study nursing. Andrew Mead has been a cast member for 13 years. He is graduating from Robert Toombs Christian Academy and plans to attend Georgia Southern. Lyons Main Street is proud to be able to continue with this scholarship program during these trying times. We could not do it without the generous donations from our community. It has been a pleasure working with these young people over the years, watching them grow and take on new roles in life. One day we hope to see them return and kick it up a notch!