Harden’s Chapel United Methodist Church Cancels 157th Annual Homecoming

Harden’s Chapel United Methodist Church has cancelled their 157th annual Homecoming due to COVID- 19. Since 1863, Homecoming has been celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of October. 2020 has been a year of uncertainty. Because of CDC and regulations implemented by the United Methodist Conference, which are beyond the control Harden’s Chapel leaders, they cannot organize group gatherings on church property. In a recent Board of Directors meeting, they made a decision to cancel the Homecoming as they had known it since 1863.
In lieu of Homecoming 2020, volunteers and members of the Board of Directors will set up at the cemetery located at 970 GA Hwy. 57, Johnson Corner Community, on Saturday, October 10, to provide the annual financial report and updates for 2019. A tent will be set up at the Hwy. 56 entrance from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Everyone is invited to come by the cemetery to visit and bring contributions.
Homecoming has always been a community celebration and a time to share memories. Families who have loved ones buried in the cemetery are encouraged to drop by. “Our role is to carry out plans for the future of the cemetery. Let me assure you that together “we” make decisions in the best interest of your family and the cemetery. The financial stability, beautification and the upkeep of the cemetery is necessary to carry out the original plan of ‘A Continuous Care System’ for many years to come,” according to the Board Members.