Late Lyons Councilman Honored
Council Adopts $4.9 Million Budget, Sets Tentative Millage Rate
LYONS COUNCILMAN BEN MITCHELL HONORED — Sen. Blake Tillery (R-19) presents Senate Resolution 584 honoring longtime Lyons City advocate and Councilman Benjamin Mitchell to Mitchell’s wife, Rose Mitchell, and to his son, Quincy Mitchell, at the regular meeting of the Lyons City Council on September 1. Please see
Photo by Rebekah Arnold
Family members of longtime Lyons City Councilman Benjamin Mitchell gathered at the Council’s September 1 meeting where Mitchell was honored with a state resolution. The councilman passed away on December 6, 2019. Sen. Blake Tillery (R-19), Vidalia, coauthored Senate Resolution 584 with the late Sen. Jack Hill (R-4), Reidsville, and Sen. Mike Dugan (R-30), Carrollton. During the meeting, Tillery presented a copy of the resolution to the Mitchell family. continued from page
Mitchell became a member of the Lyons City Council in 1988 and served several terms as mayor pro-tem. He was known and respected as an advocate for community safety and for unity among the city and county leaders. As tributes were paid to Mitchell, he was described as a true public servant, a steadfast voice for Lyons, courageous in serving during the Vietnam War, devoted to his faith and his family, compassionate and generous.
In presenting the resolution, Tillery said that despite the 40-year age difference between him and Mitchell, while Tillery served as chairman of the Toombs County Commission, the councilman he knew affectionately as Mr. Ben “always treated me as his equal. He never looked down on my youth. He always brought questions to me that were meant to help me think about what I was doing when it affected our community.” After reading the resolution, Tillery said, “You've heard the words, but you knew the man, and that speaks more than the words on this page ever will.” Tillery thanked the Mitchell family for sharing his life with his community and presented the resolution to Rose Mitchell, Mitchell’s wife, and to his son Quincy Mitchell.
Also during the session the Council adopted a $4,967,370 million budget for FY 21 and set a tentative millage rate of 3.89 mills, the same rate as last year. This rate will mean that Lyons residents will not see an increase in taxes. A public hearing on the millage rate will be held on Tuesday, September 22 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall Chambers.
In continuing Council business, Toombs-Montgomery Chamber of Commerce Director Michele Johnson reported that the Chambersponsored Connector Women’s Conference will be held on October 6. For the Development Authority, Johnson said eight proposals for Spec building #4 at Toombs Corporate Center are being evaluated.
Councilman John Moore provided a report for Lyons Main Street. The Real Squeal BBQ and Music Festival to be held October 9 and 10 will host two world champion cooking teams among the 25 BBQ vendors who will attend.
Lyons City Manager Jason Hall presented several resolutions which were approved by the Council. These approvals included an authorization to execute the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) agreement and to accept grant payments for the CRF and an authorization to enact a one-time lump sum supplemental pay to eligible city employees working in harm's way during the Covid- 19 health crisis.
Councilman Larry Griggers said about the supplemental pay, “I want to reassure the taxpayers that the funds for this supplemental federal CARES Act do not impact our local taxpayers.” In an action item, the Council meeting time was adjusted to occur on the first Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.