SHERIFF JORDAN KIGHT – Toombs County Sheriff Jordan Kight swears in at the December 19 meeting of the Toombs County Board of Commissioners. L to R: Toombs County Probate Judge Tina Lindsey, Sheriff Jordan Kight, Natalie Kight.
CONTINUING THE STANDARD – New Montgomery County Probate Judge Stacie Randolph said she hopes to continue the standard of excellence which retired Montgomery County Probate Judge Rubie Nell Sanders has set throughout her long tenure in the court. L to R: Oconee Judicial Circuit Superior Court Judge Howard Kaufold, Jason Randolph, Montgomery County Probate Judge Stacie Randolph.
RETURNING TO THE TAX COMMISSIONER OFFICE – New Toombs County Tax Commissioner Anna Wommack Holcombe has over 15 years of experience working in the Tax Commissioner’s office and has officially returned to the department. (Shown) Toombs County Probate Judge Tina Lindsey (left), Toombs County Tax Commissioner Anna Wommack Holcombe (center), and Brent Holcombe (right) pose after Holcombe’s swearing in on December23.
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