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Toombs County Boys & Girls Club CEO Retires

Toombs County Boys & Girls Club CEO Retires
TOKEN OF APPRECIATION – Toombs County Boys and Girls Club board member Brandi Anthony (right) gives retiring CEO Ralph Goethe (left) a plaque as a token of appreciation for his nine years of service to the club.Photo by Makaylee Randolph
Toombs County Boys & Girls Club CEO Retires
TOKEN OF APPRECIATION – Toombs County Boys and Girls Club board member Brandi Anthony (right) gives retiring CEO Ralph Goethe (left) a plaque as a token of appreciation for his nine years of service to the club.Photo by Makaylee Randolph

Toombs County Boys & Girls Club CEO Ralph Goethe was honored by the club’s staff, board members, and former board members at a surprise retirement celebration on Thursday, May 30.

Goethe has led the club for nine years, during which there has been a lot of change within the organization. He shared memories of building the facility’s playground so that the staff did not have to walk the children down the street to the park, and building the club’s gym, which was just the beginning for the dreams that he has for the facility. “Make sure that you get someone who has that vision for growth to serve as the next CEO,” he told the attendees. “People thought I was crazy when I put the playground beside the gym instead of behind it, but I had a vision; I wanted to grow this place beyond the gym, to the back of the property. Please get someone who will carry out that vision.”

He continued, sharing how he had enjoyed his years working, especially those which he spent at the club. “When I came to the Boys and Girls Club, it became truly like a continued from page

ministry because I was giving to the community and to the kids,” Goethe explained. “I was not familiar with all of the kids at first, but it grows on you. The Boys and Girls Club is one of those organizations that grows on you, and you find yourself worrying about getting things done. Sometimes, I’d even go home and start worrying about things, and come back here at 10 p.m. and work until around 1 a.m.”

He reflected on several other memories he had during his time with the club, such as when former board member Tracy Johnson encouraged him not to stay late to work at the club because of safety concerns for the nightlife of the neighborhood. “I never listened to him,” Goethe remarked with a laugh. “I always would come back and work late into the morning. Sometimes, my wife would even come with me.”

Because his wife Patricia worked as a teacher at J.D. Dickerson Primary School throughout his tenure at the Boys and Girls Club, the couple knew a lot of the same children, and would often discuss their accomplishments on road trips, according to Goethe. “She would tell me what all they had done at school and how she wished I could’ve been there to see it,” he commented. “It’s been fun being able to share those conversations.”

He summarized his experience at the club, stating, “I’ve really enjoyed the kids and the staff, and the things that we did. I want you to know I appreciate you all for all that you have done. I know I probably haven’t said it enough, but thank you all. The Boys and Girls Club will always be somewhere in my heart, just like all of the other places I’ve worked. It has been an incredible experience and I have enjoyed it.”

Goethe also left the crowd with a piece of advice. “Work as long as you can and enjoy it as long as you can,” he advised. “Wherever I have worked, I have enjoyed it. I worked over 12 years at K-Mart, almost 20 years at Walmart, three years with Service Merchandise, and nine years here. I have worked since I was around nine years old with my father, and I’ve always enjoyed it.”

The retiring leader was presented with a plaque commemorating his years of service to the club, and many current and former board members took turns speaking about their gratitude and memories with Goethe.

PASSING THE TORCH – Goethe encouraged the former board members, current board members, and club staff to continue their work to support and help the club grow, as he celebrated his retirement from leadership.Photo by Makaylee Randolph

HOPES FOR THE FUTURE – Retiring Boys and Girls Club CEO Ralph Goethe (left) shares his hopes for the club’s future as his wife Patricia (right) looks on.Photo by Makaylee Randolph

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