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MoCo Commission Proposes Tax Increase

The Montgomery County Commission has proposed to increase the county’s millage rate by 0.50 mills, which will increase property taxes by 3.41%, and will make the new millage rate 15.160 mills.

This proposed millage rate will create a $25.00 increase for a home with a fair market value of $125,000, and $10.00 for non-homestead property with a fair market value of $50,000.

According to the County’s 5-Year History of Levy, this tax increase is the smallest increase since 2019, as taxes raised 3.88% in 2020, 4.78% in 2021, and 5.84% in 2022. This proposed millage rate will generate $99,782 more net tax funding than last year, creating a total levy of $3,193,688.

This decision was made after commissioners met on Thursday, August 3, in a called continued from page

work session to discuss the budget and personnel matters. During the work session, County Manager Brandon Braddy informed the commissioners that the budget would be “cutting it close” in the 2023 budget’s expected expenditures and revenue because of unforeseen costs, such as a $40,000 increase on insurance, which is paid out of the Financial Administration fund.

“The departments have been managing their budgets well,” Braddy assured. “You do have some exceptions like Recreation Department, but it’s so minor.”

Commission Chairman Leland Adams clarified, “The Recreation Department didn’t have a budget to start off with, so we’re learning how to manage it. The more it grows, the more it takes to run it.”

The men shared that even with the excellence in management of budgets, more funding was needed, as the proposed 2024 budget, which includes a $205,879 increase in payroll, currently had a deficit of around $119,000. Commissioner Chad Kenney suggested that the available fund balance be used to cover this deficit, while Commissioners Ginger Morris and Clarence Thomas shared their belief that the millage rate should be increased by half a mill – which they said is equal to $105,000 – and take the rest out of the available fund balance.

“It’s easier to go up little bit than jump up a lot later,” Thomas emphasized. “I’m learning too that if we jump up the bill next year, people will be upset.”

Commissioner Tim Williamson added, “Assessments are also going up next year. I agree that we go up half a mill because that’s around what we lack.”

Morris added, “It’s all about being a good steward.”

The Commission will hold three public hearings – August 17 at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., and August 24 at 10 a.m. — prior to the rate’s adoption, which will be voted on after the hearing on August 24.

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