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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.

Quotes for our Times:

Matt Vespa, Senior Editor at Townhall. com: 'Democrats have a problem on their hands' with Asian American voters.

They’re the only demographic where most think that getting married, being good parents, and having an education are important factors in life. This made the shift easy, among other factors, though I’m not sure it was due to GOP outreach. It seems that the Democratic Party became so insane that they pushed these people into the GOP camp. The question is whether the Republican Party can build on this gift the Left inadvertently delivered to their doorstep.

Byron York, chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner: When investigators won't investigate Joe Biden.

Republican Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa, in the GOP minority in the Senate, is fighting an uphill battle. Justice Department officials know the Democrats who control the Senate are not going to seriously investigate a Democratic president. [Kentucky Republican Rep. James] Comer, with the Republican majority in the House, has more power. But the experience of both men shows that it is not easy to pursue the facts about a president when so many in law enforcement seemingly don't want to know what happened.

Republican Kevin McCarthy represents California's 20th district and is the 55th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives: On Biden's watch, Lady Justice has been weaponized. But Merrick Garland can't do this one thing.

The United States needs an attorney general who defends equal justice under the law rather than engaging in a political, partisan agenda. Attorney General Garland took an oath to uphold the Constitution and faithfully discharge the duties of his office. If the whistleblowers’ allegations are true, it raises serious concerns that Garland lied to Congress under oath.

Our committees will continue to gather evidence and conduct oversight, and we will follow the facts wherever they lead. Nothing will stop us from getting to the truth for the American people.

Liz Peek, Fox News contributor: Biden 'yells' and shuns 7th grandchild. Now, the most unexpected people are waking up.

This seems like a sea change. Up until now, it was only Republicans who noted the president’s declining mental acuity and questioned whether the obviously challenged president should run for another four years.

The change could have been triggered by this: the Real Clear Politics average of polls shows Joe Biden losing to Donald Trump in 2024, a possibility Democrats cannot tolerate. Unless Biden enjoys a major reversal of fortune, look for more defectors, and more attacks from former allies. They cannot afford to wait too long; nobody wants Kamala Harris to be their candidate.

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