TCMS FFA Honored At State Convention

Courtesy of Toombs County Schools
The Toombs County Middle School (TCMS) Future Farmers of America (FFA) traveled to the Georgia FFA Convention in Macon on Thursday, April 27, through Saturday, April 29, where they participated in a plethora of activities and received several awards.
The chapter took 19 members to the Conference; all current and newly elected officers and participants in FFA Career Development Events or Middle School Record Book Contest. Attending students included Deanna Gonza- continued from page
lez, Maggie Thompson, Addisyn Dasher, Taylor Copeland, Katie Eduardo, Ansleigh Edwards, Abby White, Russell Hart, Jeffery Perez, Hayden Ford, Carson Winn, Kayleigh Montford, Anna Lynn Hutcheson, Anabel Leon, Harper Underwood, Bryton Kight, Top Peterson, Adam O’Neal, and Asher Johnson.
Deanna Gonzalez and Russell Hart served as voting delegates for the business sessions at the convention.
Bryton Kight and Jeffery Perez were recognized as Georgia FFA Area Winners in the Middle School Record Book categories. They placed in the Top 6 for the entire state. Kight’s project was in Ag Sales & Marketing of beef cattle. He helps with the family beef cattle production sale and creating the promotional magazine. He also helps with the selection of genetics within the beef herd. Perez’s project was in Natural Resources. Perez is an integral part of his family’ pine straw and landscaping business. He helps with the baling of pine straw, loading the semi-trucks, and spreading pine straw at residential and commercial sites in Florida, Georgia and Alabama.
The chapter was also awarded the Gold Emblem National Chapter award. This honor is based on activities that are planned by the FFA officer team during their officer retreat in the summer before school begins. Beth Galloway and the TCMS FFA officer team implemented the plan of activities, which included FFA chapter meetings, community service, leadership events, and FFA week recognition. TCMS FFA was one of only 15 middle schools statewide to receive this distinction out of 400 middle and high school chapters.
TOP 6 – Bryton Kight (left) and Jeffery Perez (right) placed within the Top 6 in the state for their Middle School Record Books. Both students are involved with family businesses in the agricultural industry.