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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.
Quotes for our Times:
Byron York, chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner: Biden: No course correction.
It is common for struggling presidents to believe their falling popularity reflects a communications problem — that is, they have failed to tell the American people what a great job they are doing. Rarely does a president look in the mirror and admit that he's not doing a good job. Indeed, one thing Biden did not say at his news conference was this: I'm going to do a better job. He believes he has a communications problem, just as presidents past did as they slipped down the polls.
Greg Gutfeld, host of Gutfeld! and cohost of The Five: Americans sacrificed everything to get rid of Trump, and their lives are now much worse.
They wanted their emotional damage reduced, even if it meant electing someone who would usher in real damage, be it domestic or international.
Sure, they didn't have to endure the tweets or the barbs, and that helped them get to sleep. But in this trade-off, our actual physical lives are remarkably worse.
Whether it's rampant criminality, kids forced to wear unnecessary masks, or a possible hot war now with Russia.
And so they sacrificed everything to get rid of the orange man who made them feel bad, even though his greatest real estate deal was living rent-free in their heads.
Tucker Carlson, host of FOX News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight: Democrats suddenly value border security, just not the US border.
So just to restate, we're allowing foreigners who came here illegally in violation of our laws, which are unenforced by our current government, which is undermining democracy by its refusal to enforce those laws, those people get to use their arrest warrants to get on airplanes while you have to show I.D. Meanwhile, again, you can't say this enough, we'll stop after this Congress is doing everything it can, pulling out all the stops to send more money to Eastern Europe to protect the borders of Ukraine. It's like it's not even real, but it is real.
Scott Morefield, columnist for Townhall: If you're confronted by a Mask Karen, Rand Paul has some advice.
'Really this is a difference between individualism and collectivism,' Paul added. 'I have an opinion, but I'm not wanting to enforce it on anybody. I'm not telling you that you can't wear a mask. I'm just saying don't make me wear a mask when it doesn't work. They don't understand that, that we have a perspective, they have a perspective. But they want to force and ram their perspective down our throat through force. I mean, what kind of people are they? This has brought out the worst in people.'
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