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The Advance - theadvance_20221109_b_11-9-2022_vid_07_w-or9_art_4.xml

The Advance IS NOW ONLINE! Get all the local news you need on your computer, smart phone or tablet. $$ 9 955 With Honor and Respect wer In proportion as you give the state power to do things for you, you give it power to do things to you. - Albert Jay Nock for Those Who Served lbert 5 With Honor and Respect for Those Who Served News ews mo. BYTES Y TES BYTES With Honor and Respect for Those Who Served 24 Years of Service Shootou Gradua p Party Shootout Erupts at Graduation Pleasesee Crosses page 2A crossesandflags,poseinfrontofthestreet-longdisplayonVictoryDrive.LtoR:JasonHall,ClubPresident, KEEPINGPATRIOTISMATTHEFOREFRONT—MembersoftheLyonsLionsClub,thecivicorganizationresponsibleforthememorial James Thompson,Jimmy“Spook”Alexander,WayneWheeler,LucretiaNobles,AlysaMarsciano,JillO’NealandDarrellNobles. PhotobyWilliamLedford Subscribe Now! ByDeborahClark RegionalEditor ByDeborahClark RegionalEditor
The Advance IS NOW ONLINE! Get all the local news you need on your computer, smart phone or tablet. $$ 9 955 With Honor and Respect wer In proportion as you give the state power to do things for you, you give it power to do things to you. - Albert Jay Nock for Those Who Served lbert 5 With Honor and Respect for Those Who Served News ews mo. BYTES Y TES BYTES With Honor and Respect for Those Who Served 24 Years of Service Shootou Gradua p Party Shootout Erupts at Graduation Pleasesee Crosses page 2A crossesandflags,poseinfrontofthestreet-longdisplayonVictoryDrive.LtoR:JasonHall,ClubPresident, KEEPINGPATRIOTISMATTHEFOREFRONT—MembersoftheLyonsLionsClub,thecivicorganizationresponsibleforthememorial James Thompson,Jimmy“Spook”Alexander,WayneWheeler,LucretiaNobles,AlysaMarsciano,JillO’NealandDarrellNobles. PhotobyWilliamLedford Subscribe Now! ByDeborahClark RegionalEditor ByDeborahClark RegionalEditor
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